The Struggle of Night Training
For many children, night training occurs well past day training age. In any class at school its unlikely that they will be the only one struggling with this issue. This can be embarrassing for them so its worth talking through the fact that its often just the way their body is made rather than anything to do with how grown up/smart/keen they are to achieve night dryness.
Its also worth reading through some of the experts advice to make sure there is nothing 'fixable' causing night incontinence.
Is my child ready for daytime toilet training?
There are so many things to consider when you're thinking about daytime toilet training and it can become quite overwhelming to decide when to start.
The average time it takes for a little one to train is around 3 months and in general children are usually 2-3 years of age before they are able to learn to control their bladder and bowel enough to daytime toilet train.
Our dream for Berry UPDATED!
Our journey supporting an amazing young man in Indonesia has been both a challenge and pure joy for Big Kids Pants.
We believe in using what we have to help others, and our many years sponsoring through Tear Fund have cemented the value of giving as part of doing business.
Read on and be inspired by this young man's story!